
The rings of Saturn disappear. The James Webb Space Telescope can reveal how much time they have left.

The rings of Saturn disappear.  The James Webb Space Telescope can reveal how much time they have left.

An artist’s impression of what Saturn could look like in the next hundred million years. The innermost rings disappear as they rain down on the planet first, followed very slowly by the outer rings. (Image credit: NASA/Cassini/James O’Donoghue)

Saturn’s rings are disappearing, and we don’t know how much longer they will be there.

Astronomers have known this since the 1980s SaturnThe icy innermost rings of is steadily eroding into its upper atmosphere. The downpour occurs at such a rapid rate that it creates an Olympic-size swimming pool of water Rain on the gas giant daily. But how fast iconic ring system shrinks – what determines when it disappears – remains an open question.

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