
China’s Zhurong Mars rover finds signs of recent water activity on the red planet

A Martian sand dune imaged by China

Scientists examining data from China’s Zhurong rover have found cracked layers on tiny Martian dunes for the first time, suggesting the Red Planet was a saline water world as recently as 400,000 years ago.

Since landing In the northern hemisphere of Mars, the rover rolled near four nearby crescents in May 2021 sand dunes in the Utopia Planitia region to study their surface composition. All four tiny, wind-sculpted geological features are covered with thin, ubiquitously fractured crusts and ridges formed by the melting of small pockets of “modern water” sometime between 1.4 million and 400,000 years ago, according to a new paper (opens in new tab) published on Friday (April 28).

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