
LinkedIn’s new AI feature could actually help you get hired

LinkedIn's new AI feature could actually help you get hired

LinkedIn is exploring a rare, seemingly useful application of Generative AI. The platform is testing a feature for its paid subscribers that will automatically generate personalized messages to hiring managers based on a user’s specific profile a Tuesday blog post on the website of company director Ora Levit.

The short, cover letter-like messages appear to glean information from a user’s LinkedIn bio and present it in the form of a straightforward, professional-sounding appeal. “Hi Sarah, I hope you are having a good week. I am pleased to inform you about the position of Premium Account Manager at Oustia. As an Account Executive at Mintome, I have over 5 years of experience managing accounts for brands…” says the example provided by LinkedIn. The illustrative sample message further references the user’s educational background and ends with a request to connect and find a time to chat.

“By using generative AI with information from your profile, hiring manager profile, job description and company of interest, we create a highly personalized draft message to start a conversation,” Levit wrote in the afternoon press release.

However, the feature announcement included a disclaimer that’s pretty much par for the course with all AI tools: Verify the work. “Customization is still important, so take the time to review and edit the draft to make it your own and convey your voice, and then send it off to the hiring manager for your next opportunity.” step closer,” added the manager.

Then there’s the biggest caveat: the messaging feature is only tested among LinkedIn’s premium customers, who pay a pretty steep subscription fee. In 2023, the paid membership tier starts at $39.99 per month. Reminder: Access to ChatGPT itself is free if you sign up through OpenAI website.

In addition, LinkedIn’s AI messaging will be updated are not yet available all Premium User. The rollout starts this week and will take some time, according to Levit’s post. As a journalist I am have free LinkedIn Premium Access. However, I don’t currently see an option to “Let AI compose a message to the hiring team” in my Featured Jobs.

“We’re initially testing this feature with a select group of premium members while collecting feedback,” a LinkedIn spokeswoman, Abby Semcken, told Gizmodo in an email.

Rumors about artificial intelligence intelligence are grossly exaggerated in many ways. Large language models like ChatGPT can quickly create flowing text on virtually any topic in a variety of tones. But the Chatbots cannot yet achieve accuracy still write particularly inspirational prose.

Basically, these AIs aggregate concepts and language from their training and regurgitate what may or may not be factually correct, finely sorted alphabet soup. It’s impressive in many ways, but it’s probably not the end of all human writing and creative endeavors – as much as it is Media CEOs And studio manager might want to have it.

All in all, cover letters are undeniably one of the lowest forms of the written word. Writing a cover letter and similar professional communication is often little more than repeating information from your clear bulleted resume in exaggerated paragraph form. It’s an arduous exercise that only really shows your willingness to undertake arduous exercise.

In other words, it’s a perfect job for ChatGPT. people over the internet already discovered Use of generative AI to make job applications easier. LinkedIn is officially on board with the idea.

The professional networking site has been owned by Microsoft since 2016. Then, this year, Microsoft has spent billions to partner with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. Microsoft has integrated OpenAI’s lively chatbot tool into its platforms and properties, including LinkedIn. The site had already introduced a feature about it Help users create their profiles with AI and improved his proposed messaging reaction aid. Well, linkedIn’s enhanced generative AI tools extend to the design of full, face-to-face communications.

Assuming the feedback goes down well and LinkedIn expands the feature to all paying users, this could be a useful time saver for a portion of the people on the platform. The work of introducing yourself to a potential employer can be reduced to just a few clicks.

On the downside, the feature could end up filling hiring managers’ LinkedIn inboxes with endless spam. Messaging via LinkedIn is mercifully restricted via a credit systembut the ability to send individuals Even five AI-generated messages per month could easily become a problem for those on the receiving end.

But LinkedIn sees no problem with that. “The tool was designed to solve the blank page problem and help everyone make their best move forward,” Semcken wrote. “Rather than creating a message overload for hiring managers, the first contact will be more informed and contextual,” she asserted. Which suggests that hiring managers are currently being inundated with uninformed, irrelevant babble. Based on the state of my LinkedIn inbox, it seems possible that I won’t be able to offer anyone a job. In other words, maybe AI can help create LinkedIn messages fewer spammy.

#LinkedIns #feature #hired

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